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Mobile websites, Mobile websites London

Search Engines and Mobile Compatible Websites

Being listed in search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves is vital for any business regardless of it’s particular niche or global location. The exciting thing is mobile website viewing has opened up a whole new frontier for any business that gets in early, Google for example takes note of a websites age. In fact the websites that were registered in the early days of the internet are highly regarded by Google and the other top search engines, you will notice that many of these websites have very high rankings and will generate a great deal of trade.

Search Engines and Mobile Compatible Websites Those businesses that are wise and launch their mobile sites early are sure to benefit from getting ahead of the rest, eventually Google and the other internet companies will have dedicated mobi or mobile only search engines. Which sites will stand a better chance of ranking high?


Clearly the .mobi domains will be the winners.

By launching your mobile presence early you will be placing your business in a postition that your competitors will simply be in awe of, you cannot turn back the clock and by being smart and being in the right place at the right time you will always have an added advantage over your competitors.

Imagine you were transported back in time to when the internet first launched, your business is focused on air travel and you buy one of the first website domains. Now image if that domain had been or, those sites would now be attracting millions of visitors and it goes without saying how well your business would be doing. Well a similar opportunity has arrived and it will be the wise who take advantage and profit from their actions.

Your business

Purchasing a .mobi will be one of the wisest things you can do for your business

Times are hard and it is vital that you take every opportunity to take your rightful place on the new mobile internet. Don’t for one moment be complacent and think this is simply a gimmick, if you have the slightest doubt simply do this…

From now on keep a mental note of all those people you see using smartphone to surf the web. Also be aware of what kind of mobile phone your friends are using, almost definitely you will notice that more and more people around you are using mobile devices such as smartphones and iphones to surf the web.

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